The ATIC Terminology has been evaluated and has received recognition from the General Nursing Council of Spain as a preferred language that supports the development and practice of nursing in its autonomous and multidisciplinary role.
The Terminolog í ATIC has been included as one of the nurses standardized languages for recording providing care nurse demand management in Catalonia, sec ú n Article 6 of the agreement of the Consell de Collegis d ‘Infermeria de Catalunya , published in the Diari Official of the Generalitat de Catalunya of 15 June 2016 , which regulates the development of guidelines for the exercise of nurses actions in this field ( content / uploads / 2016/11/2016-DOGC-1.7.16-Acord-Consell-Plenari-regulaci% C3% B3-GID.pdf )
The ATIC Terminology has been evaluated and has received recognition from the Spanish Union of Scientific Nursing Societies ( UESCE ), which groups more than 40 scientific nursing associations, as a standardized language that supports multidisciplinary nursing practice.